Young Women in Engineering Camp at UNR

For Young Women Only! An introduction to engineering including lessons, hands-on activities, and mentoring from professional female engineers, university faculty, alumni, and current engineering students.

MESA First Generation Engineering Camp at UNR

This is a free introductory camp, open only to students who will be the first person in their immediate family to attend college. Entry is competitive and the deadline to apply is May 8th, 2016.

Manufacturing Engineering Camp at UNR

This summer camp will introduce basic knowledge of manufacturing engineering, including metrology, heat treatment, metal forming, metal machining, casting, CNC and more. Campers will get a chance to operate machines such as metrology equipment, manual lathes, mills, CNC mills and CNC lathes.

Introduction to Engineering Summer Camp at UNR

This camp introduces students to the various engineering disciplines through fun, age-appropriate activities such as building bottle rockets, designing concrete canoes and learning about digital gaming. Field trips and campus tours introduce students to some of Northern Nevada’s engineering landmarks. Camp sessions are led by university faculty and graduate students.

Autonomous Systems and Robotics Summer Camp at UNR

This program is for students to expand their knowledge and awareness of the aviation and aerospace industry. Students will encounter scientific principles such as lift, thrust, drag, and propulsion. The use of UAS simulators will expose campers to new technologies and the use of other technological devices in the camp will prepare them for advancing technologies in the general workforce.

This camp will be a residential camp in which students will be required to stay in University of Nevada, Reno dorms from 8am June 2oth – 3pm June 24th. The cost for this camp will be $750 per student and is all inclusive.

Pathways to Science offers a search portal of over 1,500 STEM programs across the United States for students from high school through the graduate level. An online resource library provides students with professional development resources designed to assist students in finding and applying to programs. Resources for faculty focus on tools and strategies for increasing minority participation in the sciences. is a project of the Institute for Broadening Participation (IBP). IBP’s mission is to increase diversity in the STEM fields.

The STEM Academy at Galena High School

The STEM Academy at Galena High School encompasses fields of study in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics. Students are enrolled in a 4-year course sequence that follows a nationally-recognized curriculum, providing them with challenging activity-, project-, problem-based learning with meaningful assessments. The sequence includes two foundation courses designed for 9th-10th graders, followed by a core specialization course (e.g. Civil Engineering and Architecture, Computer Integrated Manufacturing), and ends with a capstone course whereby students work in teams to design and develop an original solution to a valid open-ended technical problem by applying the engineering design process.

Southern Highlands Preparatory School

Students at Southern Highlands Preparatory School will experience STEM (science, technology, engineering and math) education through projects that combine scientific and mathematical analysis with the design process of technology and engineering. Challenging and fun projects encourage collaboration, problem-solving, decision making, creativity and innovation. Students work together to solve real problems, while developing a love of math and science

Coral Academy of Science, Las Vegas

The mission of CASLV is to provide a safe, rigorous college preparatory environment that promotes social responsibility and a culturally diverse community dedicated to becoming lifelong learners bound for success. We have participated in many academic competitions over the past four years and our students have won several awards at these STEM competitions, such as Science Olympiads, Science Fairs, statewide Science Bowls, Math Counts competitions, and Lego Robotics competitions.

Nevada Virtual Charter School

Nevada Virtual Charter School uses a robust curriculum to offer Nevada students in 6th through 12th grade an exceptional education. With individualized learning approaches, Nevada Virtual Charter School provides the tools students need to succeed in school and beyond, including a STEM focus to meet the needs of Nevada’s job market.