About Us


The state of Nevada has a compelling need for education and workforce training for its citizens in fields related to science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM). Nevada has distinct regional differences, both economically and demographically.  The distribution of the population in Nevada makes it simultaneously one of the most urban states in the nation and one of the most rural.

The System Sponsored Programs and EPSCoR office is part of the Nevada System of Higher Education (NSHE). Our mission is to promote collaboration and multidisciplinary learning among NSHE institutions and to enable alignment of our efforts with the needs of the state to increase research competitiveness. Our goal is to create new opportunities in Nevada for workforce development and to promote the development of STEM disciplines for the state.

Opportunities in STEM Nevada (formerly Pathways to STEM Nevada) has been developed as a resource to engage students, teachers, parents, and the community in STEM education and employment. This effort is at the forefront to increase the number of students interested in pursuing college degrees with the overarching goal of strengthening our future workforce and economic development in the state.



Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics for K-20 Students

Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics  for K-20 Students

Science | Technology | Engineering | Mathematics

There is a growing need in our nation to prepare more students, teachers, and practitioners in the areas of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM). Nevada has excellent ongoing programs designed to prepare and encourage students to pursue STEM fields. In an effort to better integrate various efforts and establish access to multiple programs, the Pathways to STEM Nevada was created to serve as a user-friendly web portal that provides information on various programs , resources and employment opportunities for K-20 students, parents, and the community.